One of the most beautiful natural amphitheatres Horečky at Frenstat pod has
behind the first big concert of the symphony orchestra and chorus under the open sky. On Saturday
June 27 from 20.00 hours appeared on stage accompanied by the Sinfonietta Moravskoslezská
In the evening, choirs with a program of film music. On stage, performed over 150 performers who
its spellbinding power of a great time over 900 spectators. The whole concert ended at 22 hours already behind
heavy rain, but left the concert performers and visitors excited.
During the evening of film music in the amphitheater at Horečky he sounded a well-known film melodies.
The theme song from the movie Pirates of the Caribbean, The Phantom of the Opera, Madagascar, Mission, Basic Instinct,
but also hits of ABBA and Europe. The entire large "ensemble" under the baton of Adam
Sedlický run like clockwork. "We fought with great moisture, keep the instruments for
tuned these conditions is a real artform. The gentlemen engineers have performed during the concert
real magic to it all worked out as it should. Finally, I have a very good overall result
feeling. "He described the hot moments in the sound booth Moravskoslezské Sinfonietta Director Jan Soukup.
In addition to the numerous corps, which consisted of members of the choir Ţenského Havirov, Meandry
Bohuslav Martinu's music school, the Academic Choir of VSB - TU Ostrava, Choir
Waldorf Lyceum in Ostrava and Svatomichaelského mixed choir Řepiště, climbed on stage
Also, two soloists Tanya Wajs and Vojtěch Malcharek. All artists vyslouţili a huge ovation,
especially at the end of the concert, when during the last two songs were falling from the sky of rain.
As if adverse conditions amplified in an excellent performance and dedication of all on stage. One
The evening of the guests of film music Lenka Muţíková that Horečky arrived on a bicycle with My husband and
and acquaintances described her feelings about the concert, saying, "He makes me really willies
a great compliment from everyone. The whole thing was beautiful, but the conclusion was that the vast pit. Hope
similar events will be held here in the future. "
Photo: Martin Glatzner
behind the first big concert of the symphony orchestra and chorus under the open sky. On Saturday
June 27 from 20.00 hours appeared on stage accompanied by the Sinfonietta Moravskoslezská
In the evening, choirs with a program of film music. On stage, performed over 150 performers who
its spellbinding power of a great time over 900 spectators. The whole concert ended at 22 hours already behind
heavy rain, but left the concert performers and visitors excited.
During the evening of film music in the amphitheater at Horečky he sounded a well-known film melodies.
The theme song from the movie Pirates of the Caribbean, The Phantom of the Opera, Madagascar, Mission, Basic Instinct,
but also hits of ABBA and Europe. The entire large "ensemble" under the baton of Adam
Sedlický run like clockwork. "We fought with great moisture, keep the instruments for
tuned these conditions is a real artform. The gentlemen engineers have performed during the concert
real magic to it all worked out as it should. Finally, I have a very good overall result
feeling. "He described the hot moments in the sound booth Moravskoslezské Sinfonietta Director Jan Soukup.
In addition to the numerous corps, which consisted of members of the choir Ţenského Havirov, Meandry
Bohuslav Martinu's music school, the Academic Choir of VSB - TU Ostrava, Choir
Waldorf Lyceum in Ostrava and Svatomichaelského mixed choir Řepiště, climbed on stage
Also, two soloists Tanya Wajs and Vojtěch Malcharek. All artists vyslouţili a huge ovation,
especially at the end of the concert, when during the last two songs were falling from the sky of rain.
As if adverse conditions amplified in an excellent performance and dedication of all on stage. One
The evening of the guests of film music Lenka Muţíková that Horečky arrived on a bicycle with My husband and
and acquaintances described her feelings about the concert, saying, "He makes me really willies
a great compliment from everyone. The whole thing was beautiful, but the conclusion was that the vast pit. Hope
similar events will be held here in the future. "
Photo: Martin Glatzner