On Saturday, August 15 on the banks of the dam Baska, which has been revitalized in recent years, gathered on 3,000 enthusiasts and lovers of unusual craft.
Reportáž / Reportage:
Zdroj / Source: Baškohrátky 2015 - 9. ročník:
Baškohrátky annually supports community Baska. Like every year, so this year, the whole event was hosted by Vlasta Korec. Already in the morning, visitors could evaluate the most attractive vessel. For children, the accompanying program in the form of examples of group dog training, horse rides, face painting or theater performance with an Indian fairy tale. In prepared gaming zone entertainment enjoyed by both children and adults. Baškohrátek main program started at noon, which was competitive exhibition of unusual craft. In this category competed 10 competing teams. The main criterion for placement in the competition was not only the originality and creativity, but also an artistic impression and seaworthiness of these innovative boats that have issued from the ramp on his first voyage, and some even last. On three winning crew then waited outside cash prize and gifts as well as partners Cup. Despite the bad weather, the afternoon part of the program was one of the bands. The new line-up here, for example, introduced Maxim Turbulenc and biggest hits of the band Lucie played the famous Pilsner group Lucie revival. The evening culminated in a dance party with the band Petra cones, Legends returns and the conclusion of this year's Baškohrátek belonged band RUM rock band from Frýdlant Ostravicí. At the end of the evening this year replaced the traditional fireworks impressive fire and CC SHOW.
Foto Zdroj / Source: Baškohrátky 2015 - 9. ročník:
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