Municipal festivities in Petrovice near Karvina this year fell on Saturday, August 29th. As in previous years, and this one was held in the premises of the motocross race track.
The invitation was accepted by representatives of the twin towns and Zebrzydowice Godów. The opening ceremony was preceded by the traditional procession. After they were introduced majorettes and children in elementary schools and kindergartens from Petrovic at the Karvina. For children, there were many roundabouts and attractions such as, roller coaster, water zorbing and a variety of inflated hopsadla and skákadla. There was also not much attractive face painting. 21 event attracted not only domestic but also visitors from far and wide. The event offered plenty of entertainment and performances, not only for adults but also for children. For example, viewers were able to see performances by top Beatles revival group Bugs Band. The star of the evening was Michal Terror with his band The Horrors. The tickets were as usual included in the draw for great prizes donated by sponsors. First prize in the form of a tablet won a lucky winner. Perhaps the biggest star of this year has been vocal in Ostrava legend Vera Špinarová, which set in motion and sang the whole Petrovice basin. Of course, this did not end the program. On the line was a disco, which was moderated, as well as a full day, Roman Pinion.
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